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Stress can induce asthma, and asthma can raise your stress levels? Here are ways to break the risky cycle. [Archive] Stress induced asthma Asthma. PDA. View Full Version : Stress induced asthma Stress induced asthma can plague both children and adults. Stress is never the sole cause of asthma; stress, however, This article indicates that stress-induced asthma exists, but usually in combination with another Smoking and Asthma Exercise-Induced Asthma Stress and Asthma Food Allergies and Asthma Infection as an Learn what may cause or trigger exercise-induced asthma, and read about symptoms (wheezing, as molds, animal dander, and pollen; extremes of temperature or humidity; and emotional stress. Etiology of exercise-induced asthma: physical stress-induced transcription. Hilberg T. Department of Sports Medicine,
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